Monday, November 06, 2006

Am I not in Third Year?

Ok, so i'm sitting in tutorial and we're going through this BRUTAL analysis of Tintern Abbey by Wordsworth and by brutal i mean brutal. The TA would get us to read some lines of the poem and then she'd read it over and over asking us the most obvious questions. For example, one part of the poem talks of something having "no trivial influence" and she proceeds to tell us that the words in the poem can be hard to understand (she meant the word trivial) and then asked someone to explaiin it to the class, which this guy did quickly cuz he hates when she asks us pointless questions. So he says trivial means in some sense small. And she's like "Correct! and so he's talking about small influences". Then she's like and the word "no" in front of it, means the opposite. (OH MY GOODNESS!) lol The guy just looks at me with the most annoyed and incredulous look on his face lol and we start laughing cuz come on! Obviously it means "no small influence", I don't know why she had to point that out.

Later on in the lecture someone left the room and the door is automatically locked and so when they tried to come back to the room he had to knock to get in. And she's like "Oh I guess he can't get in" and everyone just looks at each other with a look of "Is she serious". I mean, if he's knocking on the door, it clearly means he can't get in. Ugh, it was Monday morning and I was clearly just not in the mood for being treated like a third grade student...maybe she's confused third year university with third year in school...


Anonymous said...

HAHAHHAHA! this is so hilarious. im so amused
"and no means the opposite" hahahahaha!!

"i guess he can't get in"
LOL!!! hahahahahah!! if i wasnt in vari hall but rather in the privacy of my room id be rolling around laughing. how come u never told me of this yesterday? do u expect me to come 2 ur blog daily to read about ur day instead of u telling directly? =p

anyway. this was funny!! LOL!

Son of Man said...

I love Tintern Abbey. sigh...