Saturday, October 21, 2006

Luke 22:42

He looked ahead at all that would befall him
He would be betrayed
He would be arrested
He would be denied
He would be found guilty in a mock trial
He would be condemned
He would be beaten
He would be mocked
He would be scorned
He would be ridiculed
He would be flogged
He would be spat on
He would be forsaken
And so he asked,
“Father, if it is possible, please take this cup of suffering from me”
Then he looked beyond the trials to eternity
He saw the criminal who would ask to be remembered
He saw twelve men take the Gospel into the world
He saw spiritual multiplication
He saw millions coming to him in repentance
He saw human lives changed
He saw extreme displays of love and charity
He saw people living by faith
He saw men and women returning to their first love
He saw children proclaiming their love for him
He saw people coming to him with worship
He saw the joy we could only have by knowing him
He saw the gap between creation and Creator bridged
He saw forgiveness of sins
And so he said,
“Nevertheless, not my will, not my desire, but Your will and Your desire, be done”

© October 21, 2006, C. S. L.

Sometimes the very thing we don't want to do, is the very thing that we need to do. Don't let persecution and fear prevent you from doing certain things, look at the eternal perspective and receive your strength from Christ.

Luke 22:43 -- Then an angel from heaven appeared and strengthened him. (NLT)

1 comment:

.Cheryl. said...

chenene! you have a blog! sweet :D
and amen to all that was posted :)